I cannot login to DAZN

Please follow the steps below if you have problems accessing your account: At the sign in make sure to verify your login details
  • Check your email address and password for typos and make sure to use the details you entered when registered.
  •  If you entered your login details wrong, you will receive  an error message (error 50-49-401). 
  • If you entered a wrong password more than 10 times in a row, our system will block you for approximately 15 minutes before you can login again. This is to protect your account and prevent unauthorized access.
Reset your Password
  1. Find our password recovery function here.
  2. Please enter your email address and click on “Send”.
  3. Check your inbox for an email from “DAZN support”. Make sure to also check your spam folder.
  4. Click on the “Reset Password” button on the email we sent you.
  5. Create your new password. Make sure it meets the criteria below:
    1. Contains at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
    2. No spaces allowed
    3. Contains at least one number
    4. Use special characters to make your password more secure (~`!@#%^&*()+=_-{}[]\|:;”’?/,.)
  6. Once you have entered your new password, click on “Change Password”.
Sign in to DAZN with your new password.

Restart your device
  • Depending on your device, the steps might be different.
  • As a general guideline, you can close the app and power your device off, if it doesn’t have a restart option.
  • Please wait 10 to 20 seconds before you start your device again.

Contact customer support
If you are still not able to access your account, please contact customer support for further help.

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