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Kell Brook signs contract to face Amir Khan

Kell Brook signs contract to face Amir KhanDAZN
The two former world champions are set to finally face each other in the ring at some point next year.

After years of taunting and failed negotiations, it looks like Kell Brook and Amir Khan are finally set to face each other next year.

With the curtain slowly coming down on both men's careers, they recognise this might be the final chance for them to face-off.

Speaking in an interview with IFL TV, Brook revealed he has signed his side of the contract and is waiting for Khan to seal the deal.

“I’ve signed my part of the fight," Brook said.

"He just needs to come forward and sign his part and we’ve got the biggest fight in British boxing.

“We’ve signed our bit. But listen, we don’t need to hide about it. Everyone knows that this fight needs to happen.

"He’s been shouting my name, I haven’t really been coming in front of the cameras, it’s him shouting my name saying he wants it.

“I’ve done my thing, let’s see if he does his thing and we’ve got the biggest fight in British boxing.”

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