
What is Pulse?
Pulse keeps you up to date with what’s happening in the football while you’re watching or browsing DAZN. You can choose games you want to receive updates for and Pulse will send you interactive alerts when key moments in the game, like goals or penalties, happen. If you click on the alert, it’ll take you straight to the live stream of that game.

How do I use Pulse?
When live football matches become available to watch on DAZN, a red icon will appear towards the top right of your screen. If you click on this icon, it'll open a menu that displays all of the football matches that are happening live or soon due to kick off. You can use this menu to select the matches you want to receive alerts for.
You’ll get Pulse alerts by default for matches related to any football teams or competitions that you have followed. If you want to switch any of these off, you can manage your alerts in Settings under ‘Following’.


Can I manage which types of alert I can receive?
Yes, you can customise alerts via the red Pulse icon. By default, you’ll get alerts for goals, penalties and red cards. You can change the key moments you get alerts for in the Pulse menu – select ‘manage alerts’.
You can set up alerts for the following key moments:
  • Goals
  • Red cards
  • Penalties
  • Hit the post or crossbar
  • Match start / end
When will I receive alerts?
The second a key moment occurs in one of the matches you're following, you’ll see an alert pop up at the top right of your screen (see below). Click on the alert and your stream will instantly switch to that game. Your new stream will start just before the key moment, so you can watch the build-up too.

If you decide not to switch, you can click the ‘x’ on the alert. If you do nothing, the alert will disappear automatically after 15 seconds.

How can I return to what I was watching before?
Once you’ve caught up on the action, you can either carry on watching that game or switch back to what you were watching before. You’ll see an option at the bottom left of the video to go back to the previous stream. If you want continue watching the new match, you can dismiss the ‘Back’ option by selecting the ‘x’.

What can I watch on Pulse?
Pulse is only available for football.

When does Pulse become available for a live football game on DAZN?
You can choose to receive Pulse alerts for a match up to an hour before the game is due to kick off. For any matches you choose to receive Pulse alerts for, you’ll start seeing alerts from the point at which the match kicks off.

How can I avoid spoilers?
Pulse alerts only tell you about the type of moment that's happened and the match it’s happened in. It doesn’t tell you which team’s involved.

Also, we don’t show Pulse alerts for the match you are currently watching. So if you’re watching a game, you won’t get any notifications about what’s coming up – so you won’t get any spoilers.

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